You Dont Have To Be Perfect

Not even close to perfect. But…..What is the harm in trying to be the best version of yourself that you can be? So maybe your financial status is not top notch, most of us don’t have that privilege. Does that mean you should walk out of the house looking like a total frump. I say, present the best version of yourself every day, because you never know who might be paying attention. Take pride in yourself. You never know when an opportunity will arise to put on your best part of who you are, and further your life.

I know that the way we dress is not totally what draws people to us, but if we are not trying to be the best we can be, why would anyone want to take a chance on you? They will figure you will put as much effort into that, as you do in presenting yourself. I am not saying put on a suit and tie every day, I am saying look presentable, show the world the version of you that does not make them think of someone laying around on a couch all day, collecting benefits.

This is something I teach my children on a daily basis. Opportunities in life come to those who seek them. You cant expect anyone to take you serious if you are walking out of the house in your pajamas. My financial status does not reflect my clothing. I have a lot of hand me downs, and 2nd hand store clothes. Why? Because that’s what I can afford.

Now, I am not saying I have anything against going out of the house in the casual type clothes, but make sure they are not full of holes and stained up.

Just my opinion.