Who I am.

Who I am now is not even close to who I was 10 or 20 years ago.  I have even changed a lot from the last year.  We grow, we change, and we are constantly adapting and evolving to fit into the world around us.  The rose colored glasses we wear in our early 20’s become scratched and dirty, and the world looks a little different after that.  Life changes, and with it, so do we.  We have to.  If we do not make changes as our worlds change we will be driven crazy with anxiety.

Our perceptions change.  Why?  Because life is a human experience, with human emotions.  We feel things.  Those feelings change us.  These experiences are necessary to become who we are meant to be.  The good and the bad of it.

If you are currently judging me on who I was before, then you are missing out on who I am now.  A lot in life has changed, and with it, so have I.  You can not emotionally stay the same through all of your life.  Too many emotions and practicalities change for you not to adapt.  Our minds and bodies change as we grow older.

This human experience is life.  We can not change what has happened, we can just grow from it.  If someone says “you have changed”, its inevitable.  Of course I have silly human, that was a year ago.